We are an organization dedicated to freedom and peace. Our mission is to stop the suffering of all sentient beings without exception. Beginning Sunday, March 30, 2008, a group of ten will begin a march from New York City to Washington D.C. We are protesting the Beijing Olympics and are peacefully walking for peace and freedom in Tibet and neighboring countries.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Brief History of Yeshi - Peace Walk Leader

My name is Yeshi. I was born in Tibet in 1967. I came to India in 1992 for a free Tibet, against the Chinese Government. I came with three freedom fighters. In 1996 I covertly returned to Tibet to bring back important information about the Tibetan crisis to the people of Tibet. Eventually I came to the United States. Here, I decided to start the peacewalk to encourage people to help Tibet. Thank you so much to anyone who helps us and thinks about us. I am a very simple person.


Yeshi Lama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should post the picture of you guys and the two chicks ;it was in maryland=) goodluck:]