We are an organization dedicated to freedom and peace. Our mission is to stop the suffering of all sentient beings without exception. Beginning Sunday, March 30, 2008, a group of ten will begin a march from New York City to Washington D.C. We are protesting the Beijing Olympics and are peacefully walking for peace and freedom in Tibet and neighboring countries.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 6, Apr 4th, 2008- Pennsylvania

We started off the day from Highland Ave on rt 130 in the town of Pennsauken . Once we began our walk we were joined by a supporter of the Tibetan Situation, named Matthew. He voluntered to carry the Tibet Flag one block down the highway with us. He than departed and came back 15 minutes later on a bicycle with a box of cookies for us. Thanks for the support Matthew. We continued out walk towards Philadelphia, but soon realized we had walked 3 miles in the wrong direction. This turned out to be ok, because I had the greatest cup of tea in my life at a small cafe we stopped at. We made our way back in the correct direction and continued on. The whole day was cloudy but some how it never rained on us. We finally made it into the outskirts of Philadelphia where we received support from pedestrians. We finished off the day arriving at Independence Hall in Central Philadelphia, the place of liberty and freedom for the birth of America. By 8:00 we arrived back at the home of the Wangdi Family. Upon arrival we were greeted by a group of Tibetans and supporters. Along with them was Geshe Molam who donated 100 dollars to our group, along with his blessings for all of us. Urmila gave us 51 dollars, Dorjhe Wangal gave us 51 dollars, and another anonymous supporter gave us 42 dollars. These donations help us greatly, especially in the food department. We want to thank everyone again for helping us in the Tibetan Cause. We also given katak's by the family and friends that night. Thanks again. We stayed over with the Wangdi Family for one more night and were served another excellent breakfast before departing on our journey.

Thanks Again Everyone


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